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Training and supervision

Upcoming Training Courses in 2024

If you would like to hear about other upcoming training please register your interest here.

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DATES: Online connections begin Thurs 20th March and close Thurs 1st May 2025

4-DAY IMMERSION: Thursday – Sunday, 10-13th April, 2025

LOCATION: Online and in-person lutruwita, Tasmania, Aus


About Our Training

The Adventure Works team deliver training and professional development in Bush Adventure Therapy and Outdoor counselling. Participants have included professionals working in a range of roles, including teachers, outdoor educators, counsellors, health practitioners and psychologists, and students from TAFE and University settings. Individuals within our training groups have also included gardeners, lawyers, managers, business owners, naturalists, tree arborists, and people from a range of other backgrounds. Based on identified need, we offer a range of professional development experiences. We also enjoy tailoring training to suit the needs of a particular group. Contact Adventure Works for a conversation about your training needs.

Workshops – we offer 1-hour, half-day, 1-day and 2-day experiential workshops on the following kinds of introductory topics:

  • BAT: Be in it – an active experience of BAT
  • BAT Programming – Tailoring BAT Practices for Your Group
  • BAT Up Close – an exploration of experiential learning processes within BAT
  • BAT Risks and Benefits – a look at holistic risk management surrounding BAT
  • Narrative Approaches in BAT – a sequential look at synergies between these two complimentary practices
  • Evaluating BAT – how to evaluate and build BAT evidence
  • BAT Theories into Practice – an exploration of BAT theories and practices.

Short Courses – we offer 3-day and 5-day courses on the following topics:

  • Taking Counselling Out-of-doors
  • Bush Adventure Therapy Practices and Programming
  • Narrative Approaches and Bush Adventure Therapy
  • Creating Safety Creating Challenge.

Tailored training programs – we enjoy tailoring training to meet the identified needs of a particular group.

BAT Practitioner Two-Year Training Course

This course is currently on hold as we navigate tertiary pathway options. Register you interest here…

This course guides practitioners in how to develop, deliver, supervise, and evaluate safe and effective Bush Adventure Therapy experiences. Specifically, the course prepares practitioners to combine an intentional use of nature contact, physical activity and group work towards client-directed therapeutic outcomes within a comprehensive psychological safety net.

The course is delivered over two years with year one matched to graduate certificate and graduate diploma levels and year two to masters level. Content is delivered through a range of mediums including online Sessions, Intensive hands-on training blocks, supervised field placements and one to one professional supervision.


We value ongoing professional supervision in our own roles as practitioners. Adventure Works offers a range of supervision services to support others in their work. Our approach to supervision is based on nurturing self awareness, building reflective practice and encouraging a culture of ongoing professional development for all people who work with people*. Because outdoor practitioners tend to be away a lot, Adventure Works provides phone- or online webcam supervision if needed, including out of hours. Contact Adventure Works for a conversation about your supervision needs.

Individual supervision – 1:1 supervision provided face to face or online. At the outset, the practitioner and supervisor will decide the frame and goals of supervision.

Peer supervision – supervision provided to a practitioner peer group, either face to face or online. In these sessions, the frame in which supervision takes place may be developed with the organisation or with the practitioners participating in supervision prior to the first session.

Organisational supervision – supervision provided to coordinators, managers, directors, and leadership teams delivering BAT or outdoor health practices. This form of supervision supports practices, policies and procedures relevant to the organisation based on Adventure Works in-depth knowledge of the wider fields of Outdoor Education, Outdoor Recreation and Bush Adventure Therapy.

Supervisors training workshop – we deliver a 2-day (15 hour) training courses for experienced BAT practitioners who are ready to supervise BAT practitioners and students. (This course is a prerequisite for those wishing to supervise students of the Bush Adventure Therapy Training Course).

The July 2015 Supervisor Training Course in Alice Springs was attended by ten experienced BAT practitioners who are now ready to support BAT students and practitioners. We will work to match the right supervisor to your supervision needs.

*In line with standard clinical counselling and supervision protocol we maintain a professional duty of care and follow mandatory reporting requirements for each relevant state or territory.